Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Maybe you can relate to my story. From a young age, . During my early preteen and teen years with how I looked. Kids at school made hurtful comments. I tried everything to lose weight. I took up running (which I hated), worked out in my bedroom and tried to restrict my calories. until I joined a very reputable and well known weight loss program when I was twelve years old with my wonderful aunt. I learned some valuable skills about creating better eating habits and lost weight, . Oh the freshman year can be brutal when it comes to weight gains. I gained over 30 pounds! I joined a popular weight loss program my sophomore year and so the began. Experimenting with various prompting me to search internally for answers
Like so many others, it took a and to realize that I was the only one who could heal me.

I broke two bones in my right ankle requiring surgery. Everyday tasks were suddenly a struggle, I was immobile. As a mother and a wife, this affected me deeply. I take care of my family, our home and everyone’s needs. It was a challenge to clean, do laundry, grocery shop, cook a real dinner, or drive my kids anywhere. I had to remain completely weightless on my right ankle, making activities I never gave a second thought to become nearly impossible to do.

I chose to appreciate my body and prioritize myself. Between mixed advice from care providers and “Dr. Google,” I decided to take matters into my own hands.
Doing so has improved my long-term quality of life. Others could support and guide me, but happen for myself. That realization did not happen overnight, but it happened!
The decision to change your health starts with you.
The roadmap already exists within you.
Connect with me today by clicking the button below.
Taking action now is your first step.